Often we are asked how we choose people, organizations and news to publish on the Charitable Action website. Fortunately, there are many more people and organizations in the world doing good deeds than we could ever hope to mention here. That’s why we rely so heaving on the nominations and suggestions of our community.
If you have been helped by someone who went above and beyond what you had reason to expect of them, are aware of a group or association that is doing great work to better the world we live in, or want to mention a cause worthy of the time and attention of our audience – please let us know. You can list them as a comment on this post below, email us or contact us directly to discuss the importance of the people and solutions you want to put in the spotlight.
We are always looking for people who DO great things, organizations who take action rather than talk passively about possibilities and causes in need of our support. Your input in the direction we take is an essential way that you can contribute to our efforts without any cost or obligation beyond the veracity of your statements and affirmative decision to get in touch.