Donate Items to Charity to Save Money While Helping Many
Jerome Montigny Gives Back By Teaching How To Move Forward
Greg Alves and Wendy Alves Take Action To Cure Multiple Sclerosis
Michael Bloomberg Provided 1.1 Billion Dollars in Funds For Johns Hopkins University
Best Practices And Important Tips On Charitable Contributions And Taxes
Mentel & Tony Robbins Provide Personal Power In Time for the Holidays
The Giving Pledge Brings Philanthropists Together Under One Roof
Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation Announces New USPA Director Gavin Payne
NFL Breast Cancer Screening Campaign Gets Results In Funding And Awareness From Fans
News About The Work And Charitable Actions Of Others

While most of our organizational efforts take place at the grass roots level, which in the aggregate account for a far greater contribution to society than any single famous benefactor or handful of celebrity donors – we do acknowledge the great deeds of people who have recognized that their great privilege also comes with an important corollary responsibility.