Mentel & Tony Robbins Provide Personal Power In Time for the Holidays

Mentel And Tony Robbins

Nearly 12 months ago, during a year-end meeting at the offices of Mentel Web Solutions, owners Raphael Leroux and Tony Capozzi were discussing their own good fortunes and thinking of ways to give back to the community when a particularly inspiring idea started to go from concept to reality. Sharing the guidance that put them both on the path to success with those who need it most would be as simple as getting the right messages into the hands of thousands of people who could benefit from them – if everyone else agreed to let them do it.

“We’ve been avid readers of Tony Robbins’ work and adherents to the principles of his programs for more than a decade” said Mr. Leroux from his Montreal offices. “His work doesn’t just give you success, it gives you the tools necessary for you to make yourself successful in life. When my partner and I were talking about his work it dawned on us that there are people out there stuck in unsuccessful situations who would benefit quite a bit if Mr. Robbins programs suddenly appeared within their reach. That’s when my partner thought of the people who would have the hardest time getting access for themselves, the more than 15,000 people currently incarcerated in 51 Canadian prisons.”

“Our idea was very simple. Let’s box up some books and donate them to the prisons so people can make use of the same strategies and tools that have become foundational elements of our own success” said Mr. Capozzi. “Instead of sending a little help that would come and go quickly, we wanted to show people the best way we have found to help themselves.”

After contacting the Correctional Service of Canada, the duo worked past the initial departmental reluctance and bureaucracy to reach common ground with an agreement to provide copies of “Notes From a Friend” by Tony Robbins in every Canadian prison library. Inspired by Mr. Robbins who once wrote “Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers… and there’s always a way – if you’re committed”, Mr. Capozzi contacted the Anthony Robbins Foundation to make arrangements to have cases of more than five hundred books shipped directly where they might do the most good. What happened next was enough to convince everyone at that they were on the right path.

“The Foundation went way beyond what any of us expected,” said Leroux. “Instead of shipping the books we wanted or offering some kind of discount on the large order, they said they could do something even better and offered to donate the complete Tony Robbins collection for every prison in Canada – and they did it all absolutely free! Now, in addition to Notes from a Friend, the residents of these prisons will be able to read and learn from the complete collection of books and programs by Tony Robbins – all in time for the holidays.” already provides peace of mind to many top companies seeking cutting edge web developers and experienced system/network administrators, but if you ask the two partners managing the company, the most important thing they provided this year are the hundreds of boxes of hope for many who are still trying to find their own path forward in life.